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The ITAG Project

Saisonal Work in Agriculture

Hardly another work sector is similarly shaped to the seasonal occupation and migratory labour of farming. In the European Union alone, over four million workers are counted every season.

The work and life conditions for these workers is partly disastrous. A cause of this situation is the workers' unawareness of the regulations in the particular countries.

This project should result in:

  • the information base being widened for agrarian trade unions
  • a European transparency of the pay and working conditions that are produced in farming
  • Information for European employees about the working conditions in European farming

This project is being carried out in cooperation with IG BAU, EFFAT and PECO-Institute, with financial support of the European Commission.

The control groups that concern themselves with the unions 3 F(Denmark), FNV Bondgenoten (Netherlands), ZZPR (Poland), CFDT/FGA (France) and Federación agroalimentaria de CC.OO. (Spain).