In agriculture, forestry and fish production there are 176,200 full-time employees. Excluding fishery and fish production there are 172,700 workers including the members of sales co-operatives.
In agriculture, hunting and associated activities there are 5,100 foreign seasonal workers. In forestry, fishery and fish production there are 1,400 foreigners, i. e. a total of 2.8 % of all foreign workers in Czechia.
International Comparison of Employment
The trade union OSPZV-ASO concludes collective agreements in agriculture. There are two sector-related collective agreements, one with the association of former state farms, and one with the association of co-operatives. The agreements are identical because the employers' associations harmonise their approach. In addition there are 320 agreements at the company level.
In cases where several trade unions can be active in one company the unions have to agree between themselves how to reach collective agreements.
The industry collective agreements lay down 12 wage levels with hourly and monthly rates as minimum standards. Level 1 payment is the statutory minimum wage (49 CZK and 8,000 CZK, respectively). Level 12 payment is a little higher than the average income in the national economy (21,300 CZK). The average wage in agriculture is 17,109 CZK.
The collective agreements lay down the wage levels, bonuses for overtime, for holiday work (100 %), for work in difficult environments (10 %), for night time work (50 %), for work on Saturdays and Sundays (50 %) and for work in divided shifts.
In-company collective agreements can lay down extra payments and further welfare benefits (company meals, additional pension). Frequently a welfare fund is used to cover social needs of the workers. The industry collective agreement is the minimum standard.
Companies that are not members in associations have to conclude separate collective agreements. In small companies there is hardly any trade union representation.
All in all 50 % of the employees are covered by collective agreements. 40 % of the employees earn the minimum wage.
Deductions from the worker's wage include 8 % for contributions to the welfare insurance (thereof 6.5 % for pension insurance, 1.1 % health insurance and 0.4 % for state employment policy) and another 4.5 % for the health insurance.
The employer pays from the wage: 26 % welfare insurance (thereof 21.5 % pension insurance, 3.3 % health insurance and 1.2 % for employment policy) and 9 % for the health insurance.
The minimum income tax rate is 15 %.
50 % of the employees are covered by collective agreements.
International Comparison of Wages and Labour Costs
The law defines the maximum working time as 40 hours per week: for three shifts in continuous operation 37.5 hours per week, for two shifts 38.75 hours per week, for workers under 18 years 30 hours per week.
The annual working time for 2007 with a 40-hour week is 2008 hours.
The average actual working time of employees in agriculture, hunting and forestry is 40.6 hours, for part-time workers it is 22.2 hours. The average number of actual working hours in agriculture and fishery is one of the highest compared with other industries.
According to Eurostat the average number of actual working hours per week in Czechia was the highest value of all 25 EU countries in the 2nd quarter of 2006.
International Comparison of Working Time
Workers get 20 holidays (4 weeks with a 5-day week) and 12 paid public holidays per year. In a samll number of collective agreements additional holidays or additional holiday benefits have been agreed.
International Comparison of Leave and Paid Holidays
In Czechia there is a state system of welfare insurance.
In 2006 there were 4 fatal accidents in agriculture and forestry, thereof 1 in forestry, and 2,638 work accidents causing longer absence from work (thereof 401 in forestry and 22 in fishery.
International Comparison of Occupational Health and Safety
OSPZV-ASO has about 80,000 members, but not all of them in the agricultural sector. In the agricultural sector OSPZV-ASO has about 560 organisations in companies, thereof in 1-2 companies in forestry in Northern Bohemia. The union's reach is over 60 %.
Traditionally there have been legally independent company unions. Since Jan. 1, 2001, there has been the possibility of setting up works councils in the enterprises. If company unions are set up the works councils are dissolved.
International Comparison of Trade Union Influence
Since Jan. 1, 2007, the minimum wage for a 40-hour week has been 8,000 CZK per month, or 48.10 CZK per hour. This is the only point that has been stipulated if employer and company union cannot agree on a collective agreement. The collectively agreed minimum wage in agriculture is a little higher: 49 CZK/hour.
International Comparison of Minimum Standards
In the agricultural sector there are 560 company unions. Involvement in the tri-partite system at the national and regional levels.
International Comparison of Trade Union Participation