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Estonia (EE)


Agriculture employs 15,000 workers. In forestry there are only 400 employees left. 2,500 persons are seasonal workers or part-time workers.

tableInternational Comparison of Employment


Wages and Labour Costs

A law from 1992 says that collective agreements can only be concluded in companies with approved/registered statutes.

Companies must accept collective agreements concluded between associations (trade union and entrepreneur association). Employers are well organised in Estonia, but they do not negotiate collective agreements.

The wage in agriculture is estimated at EEK 2,000, which is equivalent to € 1.59.

8.33 % are deducted from the employee's wage for welfare insurance contributions. The employer pays 33.5 % to the social fund (20 % pension insurance, 13 % health insurance, and 0.5 % unemployment insurance).

The income tax rate is 23 %.

tableInternational Comparison of Wages and Labour Costs


Working Time

Estonia has the 40-hour week. The maximum working time is 48 hours per week, i. e. a maximum of 4 hours per day, or 12 hours per shift. The maximum overtime per year is 200 hours.

tableInternational Comparison of Working Time


Leave and Paid Holidays

The length of the holiday is 28 working days. Public holidays are not paid.

tableInternational Comparison of Leave and Paid Holidays


Social Insurance

After paying contributions for one year a worker is entitled to unemployment benefit (the amount depends on the wage level). After 5 years of employment with contributions paid a worker receives 55 % of his/her average wage. After 10 years of employment with contributions paid he/she receives 100 % of his/her wage. This benefit is paid for one year.


Occupational Health and Safety

Accident protection in under state control, there is monitoring by inspectors.

(No data on fatal accidents available.)

tableInternational Comparison of Occupational Health and Safety


Trade Union Influence

There are 4,800 trade union members (2000). At the national level there is the trade union and 21 in-company trade union organisations.

The shop stewards work for the trade union one day a week and receive the minimum wage plus travel expenses.

The degree of unionisation is 10-20 %.

There are legally independent company trade unions.

tableInternational Comparison of Trade Union Influence


Minimum Standards

There is a statutory minimum wage (Cf. Table).

tableInternational Comparison of Minimum Standards


Trade Union Participation

The trade unions have a say in vocational training at the national level, and they are represented in the tri-partite system.

tableInternational Comparison of Trade Union Participation



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