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Croatia (HR)


In Croatian agriculture there are 35,000 full-time employees and 2,000 seasonal workers.

tableInternational Comparison of Employment


Wages and Labour Costs

Wages are negotiated at the company level. The average wage in agriculture is € 2.82 per hour.

Employees pay a total of 19.5 % as welfare insurance contributions, thereof 14.5 % to the national pension fund and 5 % to a personal account in the pension fund for individual provision for old age.

Employers pay 17.5 % of the wage for worker welfare insurance: Contributions to the health insurance (15 %), unemployment insurance (1.7 %) and work accident insurance (0.5 %).

tableInternational Comparison of Wages and Labour Costs


Working Time

The weekly working time is 40 hours in 48 working weeks per year (1,920 effective working hours).

tableInternational Comparison of Working Time


Leave and Paid Holidays

4 weeks of paid holidays are granted per year.

tableInternational Comparison of Leave and Paid Holidays


Social Insurance

Employees pay contributions to the Republic's fund for pension insurance.


Occupational Health and Safety

No data for agriculture available.

tableInternational Comparison of Occupational Health and Safety


Trade Union Influence

In agriculture 4,500 workers are unionised.

tableInternational Comparison of Trade Union Influence


Minimum Standards

Negotiations on a statutory minimum wage are under way.

tableInternational Comparison of Minimum Standards


Trade Union Participation

A collective agreement is required for companies with more than 100 employees.

There are company unions. The social dialogue at the tri-partite level is poorly developed.

tableInternational Comparison of Trade Union Participation



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