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Lithuania (LT)


In the agricultural sector 3,000 workers are covered by collective agreements. In addition there are 16,000 part-time workers and 3,000 seasonal workers. Migrant workers only account for a small share.

tableInternational Comparison of Employment


Wages and Labour Costs

In Lithuania collective agreements may be concluded at all levels between trade unions, employers' associations and companies. The Labour Code defines who may enter into agreements with whom. The umbrella organisations of the sector trade unions conclude collective agreements with the employers. In agriculture there is an agreement at the national level. However, the employers do not ensure compliance with the agreement.

The average monthly wage in agriculture is LIT 800 (about € 230), i. e. 3.57 LIT / 1.03 €/h. The average monthly wage in the national economy is LIT 1,600 (€ 460).

The welfare insurance contribution of the employee is 3 % (thereof 80 % for pension insurance). The employer's welfare insurance contribution for the employee is 31 %. Part of the wage is tax-free, the rest is subject to 27 % of income tax. The tax-free share depends on the income level, number of children and marital status. Wage is only paid for the hours actually worked. Time without work, e. g. due to bad weather or public holidays, is not paid.

17 % of the workers are covered by collective agreements.

tableInternational Comparison of Wages and Labour Costs


Working Time

A week has 40 working hours, a regular day has 8. The overtime bonus from the 8th to the 10th hour per day is 50 %, and 100 % for more than 10 hours per day. For work on Sundays and public holidays the workers get one day off work. Overtime during the harvest season has to be agreed with the Labour Inspectorate.

tableInternational Comparison of Working Time


Leave and Paid Holidays

After 6 months of employment the length of the annual holiday is 28 calendar days. Public holidays are not paid.

tableInternational Comparison of Leave and Paid Holidays


Social Insurance

There is a state scheme for pension, health, accident and unemployment insurance. Men are entitled to a pension at the age of 62.5 years, women at 60. The minimum pension is equivalent to the statutory minimum wage.

Employers pay sickness benefit for 3 days, thereafter the health insurance pays 80% of the average wage.

Unemployment benefit is paid for 6 months. Usually it is 50-70 % of the average wage.

In the event of an accident at work 100% of the wage is paid.


Occupational Health and Safety

Half of all accidents occur during work that is paid per piece. Drinking alcohol at work also increases the frequency of accidents. Number of accidents: cf. Table.

tableInternational Comparison of Occupational Health and Safety


Trade Union Influence

TUFLAW has 4,500 workers as members. The degree of unionisation is 10 %. In 153 companies there are trade union representatives. The trade union's reach is 25 %. Union officers may use 2 days per quarter for trade union work.

In the services sector (MTS) TUFLAW is represented in 41 companies.

tableInternational Comparison of Trade Union Influence


Minimum Standards

The statutory gross minimum wage is 600 LIT (€ 173) per month.

tableInternational Comparison of Minimum Standards


Trade Union Participation

The social dialogue within the tri-partite system is a focus area of work. That is where all important issues of social policy are discussed. Representatives include 5 from the trade union, 5 from the employer side and 5 from the state.

tableInternational Comparison of Trade Union Participation



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