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Malta (MT)


Agriculture and forestry in Malta employ 300 full-time workers and 300 persons as part-time or seasonal workers.

tableInternational Comparison of Employment


Wages and Labour Costs

The hourly wage in agriculture is € 3.47. Employees pay 10 %, employers pay 10 % as welfare insurance contributions.

The income tax rate varies between 15 and 35 % depending on the income level.

tableInternational Comparison of Wages and Labour Costs


Working Time

The working time is 40 hours per week, the maximum is 48 hours.

tableInternational Comparison of Working Time


Leave and Paid Holidays

The length of the holiday is 25 days, and there are 14 public holidays. When a public holiday is on a weekend the workers are entitled to another holiday.

tableInternational Comparison of Leave and Paid Holidays


Social Insurance

Contributions are paid to a state system of pension and welfare insurance.


Occupational Health and Safety

No data available.

tableInternational Comparison of Occupational Health and Safety


Trade Union Influence

Employees' and employers' organisations are not considered legal entities, but they are allowed to conclude agreements.

tableInternational Comparison of Trade Union Influence


Minimum Standards

The minimum payment in certain sectors is regulated by the Wage Councils of the Maltese government or by collective agreements for individual industries. Binding legal provisions apply to all workers.

tableInternational Comparison of Minimum Standards


Trade Union Participation

Tri-partite system.

tableInternational Comparison of Trade Union Participation



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