Agriculture and forestry in Slovakia employ 70,000 persons, 53,000 thereof in agriculture. 5,000 of them are seasonal workers.
International Comparison of Employment
Payment is governed by a collective agreement or an employment contract. There is a nation-wide collective agreement for agriculture. The trade union concludes collective agreements in 165 companies. The nation-wide collective agreement may include a provision on the minimum wage level.
The average wage in agriculture is € 2.46. Employees pay 13.4 % of their wage as welfare insurance contributions and 0.6 - 1 % as additional contributions. Employers pay 35.2 % of welfare insurance contributions for their employees. The income tax rate is 19.0 %.
67 % of the companies comply with the collective agreements, 63 % of the workers are covered by collective agreements.
International Comparison of Wages and Labour Costs
The working time is and 40 hours per week, usually 40 hours per week (2048 hours per year). A maximum of 48 hours per week is allowable (8-12 hours per day).
International Comparison of Working Time
The annual holiday is 25 days plus 15 paid public holidays. During the holidays payment of the average wage continues.
International Comparison of Leave and Paid Holidays
There is a state welfare insurance system.
A worker representative is in charge of health and safety at work in the company. For accidents refer to Table.
International Comparison of Occupational Health and Safety
There are competing worker councils and company trade unions. One of the rights of the trade unions is to conclude collective agreements. The may conclude company agreements or framework collective agreements for several companies. The functions of the worker councils at the company level include participation, consulting, providing information and monitoring.
2050 agricultural employees are trade union members, which is equivalent to a unionisation of 4 %.
There are 124 company trade unions or in-company contacts.
International Comparison of Trade Union Influence
There is a statutory minimum wage. The minimum wage level is calculated on the basis of the average wage of the workers in the previous year using a coefficient that employee, employer, and government representatives negotiate.
International Comparison of Minimum Standards
Company trade unions, worker councils or shop stewards; tri-partite system.
International Comparison of Trade Union Participation